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Lübeck, March 2023
No Gaps – No Boundaries | QDA SOLUTIONS and Germanedge will continue to grow together
With the appointment of Andreas Lüth – Managing Director of QDA SOLUTIONS GmbH – as Chief Operations Officer (COO), the two companies continue to grow together in the areas of sales, product development and administration. In addition, Hartmut Friedrich, Managing Director of ORSOFT GmbH, was appointed Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Dr. Jörg Kastrup, Service Director of New Solutions GmbH, was appointed Director Products to the Management Board of Germanedge.
Christian von Stengel, CEO of Germanedge: “These additions to our leadership team will extend our capabilities tremendously, including our products, people, and operations, in what’s becoming an exciting and fast-paced way to model the Digital Factory. Andreas, Hartmut and Jörg are proven industry experts and have long been working as managing directors for our affiliate companies. We are happy to have them on board to elevate Germanedge to a world-class operational organization.”
Germanedge is the grouping of four software specialists – QDA SOLUTIONS, ORSOFT, New Solutions and GEFASOFT – combining the extensive know-how in quality management, production planning and management, as well as the connected worker. What made them to become partners in the last years? The constant thrive for innovations.
With Germanedge, we have set out to create an enterprise that is keenly focused on modelling the future of digital production with the latest technologies. Whether with the Edge.One platform, the No Code-Low Code Editor or Composable Applications: the Digital Factory works without silos, without loss of efficiency. Or as we say: No Gaps – No Boundaries.
With this step, we will exclusively communicate through our new Germanedge email address in the future.
Lübeck, January 2023
Our new Partner in Poland: QualityHUB24
Business growth and our business network as well. Today, we would like to introduce one of our strong international partner – QualityHUB24. They are operate as a part of the company XBRL Sp. z o.o. located in Lublin, Poland and are the official partner on the Polish market. QualityHUB24 is focused on implementing applications for production control and quality management. A team of experts with 18+ years of experience efficiently helps clients in all aspects of quality assurance. “We are happy to have such a strong partner on our site.” said Gert Linnau Lund, Partner Manager of QDA SOLUTIONS.
“Together with QDA SOLUTIONS and global network of distributors, we have implemented, for example: Quality control and SPC analysis system in a light metal casting company. Full management of measuring equipment and calibrations in a large engine manufacturing company. A full control system for raw materials and products at a customer producing resins and other products for the construction industry. And many others.
Full cooperation allows us to successfully implement projects that are scalable to many countries and cover various levels in the key area of quality assurance.” adds Marcin Herod, director of implementation of applications for quality assurance at QualityHUB24/XBRL24.
Stable and steady: QDA SOLUTIONS’s Sustainability Road
Lübeck, September 2022
Once again QDA SOLUTIONS was successfully examined by EcoVadis for Environment Social Governance (ESG) rating and environmental performance and was awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal and certificate for 2022.
In 2020, QDA SOLUTIONS was also awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal and Certificate. This means that the efforts for environmental sustainability, sustainable procurement and internal procedures for labor rights and ethics within the company were well kept.
As part of the EcoVadis assessment, feedback is also provided with the aim of future improvements in the areas of environmental performance, procurement and labor rights. In this realm, QDA SOLUTIONS is committed to constantly and steadily improve its sustainability status, and therefore its respective rating and overall performance.
Sustainability is an increasingly important topic for absolutely everybody; government, corporations and society must work together to mitigate and adapt to climate change. According to the IPCC scenarios and studies, the Greenhouse Gas emissions have been emitted enough to cross some crucial thresholds that cannot be set back. More than 50% of GHG emissions are emitted by the industry sector, which is the one that needs to implement sustainability the most. “As a company, we are already achieving a good environmental performance. Let’s keep the effort upwards. Nevertheless, the IT and manufacturing industry has still lots to improve and develop. Partnerships and associations will be needed. We can do it together,” says Francisco Carrera, authorized signatory and Corporate Sustainability Manager in QDA SOLUTIONS GmbH. In simpler words: we all need to act now to reduce our emissions and waste, invest more in renewable energy sources, improve the quality of the produced goods and make them last considerably longer.
Among other things, QDA SOLUTIONS received positive mention in the report regarding the measures to reduce CO2 emissions from business travel, flexible work organization for employees, awareness training to prevent data protection violations and the integration of social or ecological clauses in supplier contracts.
EcoVadis provides companies with holistic corporate responsibility ratings using a global cloud-based SaaS platform and assesses each company on the issues relevant to its size, location and industry.
Many thanks to all QDA SOLUTIONS employees who have made this award possible through their commitment each day.
Top 5 priorities to move from reactive to predictive quality management
Lübeck, June 2022
Who has never experienced it? The “fire fighting” when it is already too late. It is also well known in the context of quality management and quality costs for, e.g., recalled products are only one of the possible effects. Another impact will most certainly be the “headache” of the quality manager.
Very often, activities and measures have been defined to move away from reactive quality management. But it has never quite worked out that way.
So is “artificial intelligence” now able to deliver on this promise? Our opinion is: “No”. No, because even artificial intelligence must first learn based on historical data. Hundreds, even more thousands, of data sets will be needed to teach the desired predictive insights to an algorithm. But once this is done, the algorithm can discover and predict results, and here in particular correlations (for example between measurement criteria and external influences), with a very high (and probably unprecedented) precision. With the help of this data, predictions can thus be made, which can then be backed up in actions and with measures before the error escalates.
But what do you need to look out for or what can you prepare today to prepare for the introduction of artificial intelligence with “Predictive Quality” capabilities?
Collect data. As explained earlier, every algorithm needs historical data. The more, the better. This data can be, for example, historical measurement data, or machine data for maintenance, photos of products and their defects. How many data points you require will depend, among other things, on the complexity of the problem. But you will probably never hear the phrase “we have too much data” from a data engineer.
Involve your IT department early on. Data becomes particularly valuable when it can be collected and analyzed beyond the boundaries of the individual department. Your IT will be absolutely necessary for this. In our experience, this and many other reasons speak in favor of involving internal IT as early and in good time as possible.
Democratize quality management. Only if your organization accepts quality management standards, actively reports quality issues and tries to remedy them, will “predictive quality” fall on fertile ground. Therefore, try to convince as many stakeholders as possible of the relevance of quality management and take them along on the journey.
Link insights to actions. Only linking the prediction to actions and measures (or at least to alerts in your system) will condition improvements and thus create real added value.
Determine a method to calculate ROI. If measures in the future lead to, e.g., quality costs being reduced before they are incurred, it will become increasingly difficult to measure the success for the effort expended or to justify the costs. Create a framework and methods in advance of how you will demonstrate ROI today, but also in the future.
We look forward to discussing the topic of predictive quality with you and to show you how our software can support you in this process and what capabilities our CAQ system already offers “out of the box” in this area.
Webinar Series: “Future of QM” – How you can cut costs with the new apps
Lübeck, May 2022
Today, we are increasingly using tablets and smartphones both in our personal and professional lives. The trend towards using multiple devices to access data from anywhere and interact in teams without being tied to a specific location is unbroken. Millions of employees today work networked – even from their home offices. This means that data is increasingly being collected not only in the production facility, but also, for example, in the open field on a wind turbine or during a test of a moving train.
In this context, we would like to invite you to our webinar where we will join you on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 2 p.m. CEST to shed light on how modern quality management apps can meet the increased future and mobility requirements in QM.
Here is the agenda and the questions we will answer:
Introduction: quality management apps
What are the benefits of implementing an app?
What does a practical example look like? For this, compare an app with a conventional client solution
What are the possibilities for globally networked collaboration?
Reduction of your IT / personnel and hardware costs with the app
Live webinar on the topic of QM apps
When: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 2 p.m. CEST
Duration: 30 minutes
You are welcome to join us!
Document Management with system
Lübeck, March 2022
Making up-to-date, valid documents available to employees is a basic requirement for all companies. After all, it must be ensured that everyone works exclusively according to current documents in order to maintain smooth processes and products. In this regard, the requirements for manufacturing and laboratory documentation have increased significantly in recent years. In the modern working world, global availability includes all locations of the company, but does not stop at the kitchen table of the employees.
To ensure that everyone involved in the documentation process has a common understanding and can focus on their tasks, you need to make sure that the latest version of published documents is available to the right people at the right time.
Studies have shown what percentage of their working time employees in most companies spend on average on the following activities today:
Up to 40% of their daily work time for finding information
4 hours per month searching for documents
6 hours per month for recreating lost documents
As a result, it’s no surprise when Gartner Research ranks electronic document management as one of the leading methods for increasing efficiency. 83% of companies surveyed had indicated that it gave them a positive ROI associated with reduced operational costs.
Manual document management is prone to document loss, typical human errors, the accidental use of outdated versions, and the compilation of documents with missing pages.
Thus, today a quality management system without modern document management is largely unrealistic.
Live webinar on Document Management
Learn in our short but intensive 30-minute webinar:
Which advantages our software offers, for you as a Manager
Which advantages our software offers, for you as a Author
Which advantages our software offers, for you as a Reader
QDA SOLUTIONS announces upgrade in UN Global Compact Membership Status
Lübeck, March 2022
For the period of 2022 to 2023 QDA SOLUTIONS has achieved the requirements to upgrade their Communication on Progress (CoP) from Express to Basic Status.
The Basic CoP consists in structuring on the QDA SOLUTIONS internal and external operations into four (4) different topics – Human Rights, Labour, Environment, Anti-Corruption.
The UN Global Compact encourages participants with Basic CoP like QDA SOLUTIONS to improve policy implementation and increase transparency to progress toward achieving the next upgrades, such as GC Active CoP and GC Advanced CoP.
The participation of QDA Solutions, headquartered in Germany, is reported in the UN Global Compact webpage – you can see our current status and CoP by following this link: Communication on Progress | UN Global Compact
About the Principles of the UN Global Compact
The universally recognized principles of the Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption are:
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization
the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
the UN Convention against Corruption
The Global Compact calls on companies to commit to a catalogue of fundamental values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption, to support them and to put them into practice within their sphere of influence.
As recently announced, significant vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apache Log4j, a widely used logging package for Java. The vulnerability, which can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code by sending manipulated log messages, has been identified as CVE-2021-44228 and has been named Log4Shell.
Immediately after this vulnerability became known, we got with the analysis of our QMS QDA to see if QDA or parts of QDA are also affected. The reassuring finding is – QDA does not make use of Log4j in any function in the current version X, as well as in all older versions. Therefore, we officially state that QDA is not affected by the Log4j issue.
New release: QDA X launches with four worker productivity apps
Lübeck, December 2021
With QDA X, we are bringing our proven technology together with a modern, web-based platform to the cloud for you. The new software release comes with two brand new worker productivity apps that we built based on EdgeOne PaaS; two more apps will follow in the first quarter of 2022. Already with these four QDA X apps, we cover 80% of all user interactions. AI and AR will be added by the summer. Start now with us towards the future – without major risk, because with QDA X you always remain compatible in both directions during a migration. We guarantee a seamless transition from current to new technology.
Wow. Who would have thought it at the beginning of 2020. In just 21 months, our world has changed in ways that hardly anyone thought possible. Corona has given digitization an unparalleled boost: Millions of employees now work networked in their home offices, the number of virtual business models is growing exponentially – and when it comes to enterprise applications, our customers are increasingly focusing their attention on aspects such as speed, edge computing and employee productivity.
The new QDA X: cloud-enabled core, higher performance, modern user interface
We have been accompanying the technological transformation process for quite some time now. Last summer, we already told you about our modernization journey. Now we are especially pleased to introduce the next generation of our proven technology: QDA X features a cloud-enabled core, a modern user-centric UI/UX and is a milestone on the way to the fully web- and platform-based QDA on EdgeOne. By using optimized components, we were able to significantly increase database performance, i.e. by up to 20 percent.
Modern user-centric UI/UX: Latest designs in black (Tokyo) and white (Astronaut) thanks to Inspire UX/UI framework and user- and role-based dashboard concept.
Four brand-new apps for 80 percent of user interactions
QDA X comes along with brand new worker productivity apps we built based on EdgeOne PaaS. EdgeOone is the central platform on the web for CAQ, MOM and MES applications. The focus of our apps is the “Daily User”, who collects and analyzes data and measured values. With four apps, we already cover 80% of all user interactions. Two of the apps are already available, the others will be launched in 2022. The new worker productivity apps are cloud-native, completely newly developed and can also be used together with existing QDA installations on the same database. They are easy to use, can be customized and significantly shorten the implementation time.
SPC Reporting and Analysis (available in Q4/21)
360-degree view of all measurement data on products, processes and characteristics
Supports intuitive navigation and predictive analysis of your quality data
Works on our EdgeOne platform in your data center or as a SaaS solution that doesn’t require a data center. Just log in and you’re done.
Quality Daily (availablein Q4/21)
The homepage for the quality manager
Focuses only on what’s important and requires immediate action
Other EdgeOone applications can be launched in context
Quality Data Collector (available in Q1/22)
Complaints and Incidents (available in Q1/22)
With QDA X you can reduce your operational costs…
By leveraging our advanced technology platform, EdgeOne, you can reduce QDA operational costs. With our all-inclusive solution, you no longer have to worry about IT infrastructure. If you decide to go in-house, it is of course also possible and we offer you, in addition to Oracle and MS SQL with PostgreSQL, the possibility to reduce expenses there as well. Our platform is based on Linux and enables your IT to use a high-performance and cost-effective operating system for QDA as well. Thanks to the 64-bit architecture, you achieve higher system performance and stability. Our EdgeOne platform supports private and public cloud environments. For an efficient startup, you receive implementation templates for industry-specific use cases that reflect our experience from 30 years of quality assurance. In addition, QDA X also supports many custom or standardized interfaces in the form of APIs, such as OPC and MQTT / MSB, helping to reduce the effort and maintenance of system communications.
… and increase employee productivity
With QDA X, you can increase employee productivity because the new release is easily available on all mobile devices via web browser. Data can be collected and analyzed online, regardless of screen size. By using role-based dashboard views, innovative techniques as well as mobile apps, web-based portals and augmented reality, you accelerate response times and problem resolution. This improves supply chain collaboration and production quality predictability.
Stay compatible in both directions
With QDA X, you stay compatible in both directions – to QDA9 and toward EdgeOone. Even after migration, a fall-back to QDA9 is possible at any time.
We guarantee a seamless transition from the current to the new technology. In addition, together with Germanedge we can offer you a complete outsourcing of your production IT, including hardware, services and data acquisition.
Interested in learning more about the new QDA X?
Together, we’ll bring your quality processes to the cloud.
“Protect the Core, Innovate on the Edge”: we’re protecting the core of our system to preserve what’s proven. And we’re working diligently on an integrated platform for all your production IT, which will include many new apps. The new QDA will be cloud and platform based, have a microservice architecture and be based on Kubernetes. You will get an open platform based on modern technologies and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). We thus meet your wishes and requirements that you place on our quality management solution in the course of your own digital transformation. Trust in our more than 30 years of expertise, with which we now support you in the further development of Industry 4.0.
As previously announced, we are bringing our proven technology to the cloud with a modern, innovative product. In addition, we want to offer you added value with the new functions of the apps. Important to you are aspects such as:
new technology platform
modern web technologies
modern user experience
mobile first
integration of 3rd-party technologies
support of new database technologies like PostgreSQL
– while you also don’t want to miss the possibility to continue using our “classic” QDA9. After all, with all the disruptive changes that digitalization is bringing to almost all sectors of the economy, you want to remain the master of your own house. You don’t want to give up proven systems from one day to the other. You are looking for a reliable partner who can also optionally operate a private cloud for you in its data center.
Step-by-step modernization: from QDA9 to QDAX to QDA on EdgeOne
In our modernization journey, we take into account your desire for controlled state-of-the-art development and enrich it with innovative approaches and technologies. According the motto “Protect the Core, Innovate at the Edge”, we are already addressing your growing need for productive networking by further enhancing the web and microservice capabilities of our QDA solution for you. Our road map envisions a step-by-step modernization – starting from the “classic” legacy system QDA9 to the already microservice-enabled QDAX to the fully web- and platform-based QDA on EdgeOne.
Some technical facts
A few words about the main technical differences between the versions: Classic QDA9, which many of you are familiar with, has a robust code line and offers rich functionality – focusing on the “power user” for configuration and planning. QDAX is built in the latest Delphi development environments (Sydney). The X-series kernel is dockerized, supports 64-bit, and enhances the user experience. QDAX can be run in a web browser with virtualization, and by using FIREDAC technology, database performance has increased by 15 to 20 percent. As for the interface, QDAX still offers a choice between the classic design and the new Inspire design in black and white. Already, our QDAX is being enriched with new worker productivity apps that we are building based on EdgeOne PaaS. Their focus is the “Daily User” who collects and analyzes data and metrics. Core principles in our development are co-existence, microservices, cloud-first, mobile-first and analytics-driven.
EdgeOne strategy and philosophy
Our future QDA on EdgeOne will be integrated with the Germanedge platform EdgeOne. This new MES and MOM PaaS is based on an open enterprise architecture. It enables you to implement your digital strategy across plants and internationally – intuitively, scalable and according to the latest state of the art. You get everything from a single source, because EdgeOne integrates the portfolio of Germanedge product providers GEFASOFT, New Solutions, Objective, ORSOFT and QDA SOLUTIONS in a Unified Production Workplace.
EdgeOne is the integrated platform for your entire production IT. It is based on a microservice architecture and offers all Germanedge functions such as CAQ, MES, WMS, APS, dSFM as well as the possibility to integrate 3rd party applications. A software development kit (SDK) is also provided to customers for this purpose. The domain model is based on ISA95 and is Industry 4.0-capable. Addressed are Big Data, AI, Blockchain and VR/AR scenarios in a scalable, containerized, customizable and exchangeable structure. With EdgeOne, we provide you with an end-to-end solution that covers all production-related processes within a product family – regardless of the industry.
From monolithic legacy systems to cloud-based microservices
Protect the Core, innovate at the Edge: On-premise monoliths to cloud-based microservices
The classic IT landscape consisted of several legacy monoliths with tier-one architecture and point-to-point integration. These have proven themselves to this day, and there are still advantages that speak for this architecture model. But the more complex such monolithic systems become, the more disadvantages such as high deployment and maintenance costs outweigh them. In recent years, therefore, interest in microservice architectures has grown in many companies. These contribute to the implementation of DevOps enterprise cultures, automated deployment procedures and the scaling of agile software development processes.
The transformation/migration from monolithic systems to microservice architectures should be gradual – via service-enabled solutions extended with app applications, e.g. for employee productivity, and using common platform services. In the not-too-distant future, monoliths will dissolve. In their place will be swarms of cloud-native microservice apps active within specific ISA 95 business domains.
Our new QDA solution is available on all mobile devices via app or web browser, and data can be captured both online and offline. You can also reduce QDA operational costs by leveraging our technology platform. As an all-inclusive solution, in addition to Oracle and MS SQL, we can offer you a low-cost database with PostgreSQL and a low-cost operating system with Linux. Thanks to the 64-bit architecture, you achieve higher system performance and stability. QDAX supports private and public cloud environments, and you get implementation templates for industry-specific compliance standards.
All in all, you can increase employee productivity. By using role-based dashboards and innovative techniques such as mobile apps, web-based portals, and augmented reality, you accelerate response times and problem resolution. This improves supply chain collaboration and production quality predictability.
We guarantee a seamless transition from the current to the new technology. In addition, together with Germanedge, we can offer you complete outsourcing of your production IT, including hardware, services and data collection.
With QDA Web-BI, we have already taken the first step on our QDA modernization journey. Further topics will follow in the future, such as the Germanedge SAP Adapter, the optimized non-conformance management in the cloud or 4 new Worker Productivity Apps.
We will keep you updated.
Interested in learning more about QDA modernization?
So that together we can optimize your quality process.
Creating the Perfect Flow with "Visual Data Collection 3D"
Lübeck, November 2020
In order to be able to work quickly and precisely during data acquisition, it is essential to have representations as a component CAD model that show the exact location of the characteristics. But how do the characteristics get onto the CAD model and how can they be displayed clearly and unambiguously?
In QDA, quality data can be collected, analyzed, evaluated and graphically prepared in real time. An essential factor in data collection is to have unique characteristics during inspection to ensure that the correct characteristic is measured. A particularly great challenge is to display even vast numbers of characteristics on a component in a way that is clearly visible to the tester. “Visual Data Collection” is the solution for this. Each process is assigned to a component image on which the position of the characteristic is clearly visible.
For Maximum Efficient Data Collection
Similar to the already known inspection type, the “Visual Data Collection”, characteristics are made visible to the tester on a graphic. However, the advantage of the new inspection type is that a 3D STL file is now stored instead of a 2D MIBA graphic. It does not matter which CAD system the STL file comes from. The tester is now also able to rotate and flip the image of the component in QDA to identify the exact location of the characteristic even better and faster. Certain measuring points can thus be easily selected for an upcoming inspection. This increases efficiency during data collection and also reduces the number of incorrect measured values.
The tool offers significant advantages also during the creation of inspection plans. With the new Visual Data Collection 3D you can drag and drop characteristics of a process onto the 3D model. The XYZ coordinates are automatically assigned to the characteristic. So, no more finding or searching for the right coordinates. This could be a very time-consuming task, especially when there are a lot of characteristics. The feature function also allows you to group characteristics.
Your Most Important Advantages at a Glance
During inspection plan creation: Fast placement of many measuring points on one CAD STL file
During data collection: Even better visual representation of the characteristics by rotating the component
Reduction of measuring wrong characteristics
Masses of characteristics can be easily processed in one inspection/process
Like any other QDA tool, this one can only be used in combination with a suitable existing QDA module. As a basis for visual data acquisition, it must be possible to create inspection plans and manage the resulting orders. This is possible with the following QDA modules: SPC, LIMS and Incoming / Outgoing Inspection.
What is an STL object
An STL object is a 3D object and consists of many points. Among other things, these points are calculated points from a CAD program, which are all located on the surface of an object. The points are connected to form triangles, which then describe the surface of the 3D object.
What is a MIBA object
A MIBA object contains 3D information in a 2D graphic. Characteristics can therefore be displayed, but the image cannot be rotated or flipped.
Do you want to learn more about the new tool “Visual Data Collection 3D”?
One of the known effects of an economic crisis like the one caused by COVID-19 is that companies need to be able to look for new customers, new markets, and potentially new business areas.
What does this mean for your quality management and how can we support you?
One of the known effects of an economic crisis like the one caused by COVID-19 is that companies need to be able to look for new customers, new markets, and potentially new business areas.
To be a supplier of a new customer: Harder work than expected!
This can be for example the classical Automotive Supplier who needs to supply to a new OEM or into a new market.
If you want to be an approved supplier, you must match the requirements for product quality and process capabilities of the OEMs. The approval process consists of a long list of requirements (mostly based on standards like AIAG, VDA or other industry specific standards) which eventually is put together in a set of PPAP documents which you must deliver together with the first set of parts to the OEM.
Based on this, the OEM can give you the approval for being a supplier – but only for this specific part.
To be able to match for example the AIAG standard for one OEM does not mean that you can also match the AIAG standard of another OEM, because most of the OEMs adapt the standard with their specific requirements. Therefore, there are a lot of various versions of one standard you must match when you want to deliver to different OEMs.
This puts a big pressure on your organisation. You have to be fast and flexible at the same time. It will be even more complicated when key members of your team work from home or must be in quarantine for some time like it could happen based on the actual Corona situation. This of course adds a new level of risk of delay in the First Part Approval phase and adds a huge demand on task management of the existing team.
Looking for new markets
Another dimension is that some industries are slowed down right now. This means that you have to look for new business areas. These industries have also their own set of demands and requirements which you must fulfil like for example the APQP4Wind standard for the Wind Energy Industry.
The above facts put an enormous pressure on the teams, especially now in times of Corona. To handle that you need an IT system that is flexible enough to fulfil the different standards of the different industries. But at the same time, it has to ensure that tasks are being done or handed over correctly and in time even when the workforce is inconsistent.
What you need is a strong partner – not only a system provider
However, the system is not better than the process you try to support. This means that you need a system provider who knows the process industry and can challenge your ideas. This partnership ensures that you do not have to reinvent the wheel but instead get a solution that supports your business. At the same time, it improves your time to market presence and profitability by doing more with less resources.
The software solution QDA from QDA SOLUTIONS does exactly that. It is proven in various Industries like:
Food & Beverage
Medical Device
Energy & Utilities
Paper & Packaging
QDA matches all different standards with only one software suite. This means that by choosing QDA you will get a solution that will not only support your current processes but also support you when you investigate other markets or industries.
With QDA SOLUTIONS you get not only the product, but also the support of our global team of optimization experts with many years of practical experience in process workflows. This, together with the fact that QDA SOLUTIONS is part of the GERMANEDGE MOM Solution, allows you to go even further than quality.
Despite HomeOffice and contactless shift handovers – with QDA you always have your quality goals in view at any time and from any place.
Centralized task & action management
In times like these, we see the problem that companies need to reduce the physical contact between employees to an absolute minimum by changing the way shifts work with little or no overlap of employees.
This means, that the usual way and habit of sharing information, reminders and tasks through hand-over-sessions – small meetings etc. is eliminated and this means, that a centralized system is needed to support you and fulfil this gap.
At the same time, people are becoming more and more busy as some companies have reduced staff capacity, and this means that the need to prioritize tasks have become more and more critical because standards are still applicable and delivery times must still be met.
QDA SOLUTIONS offers an integrated quality system calls QDA which have a build-in task manager solution that can be installed either local within the individual plant / line or global between plants.
You have an integrated notification and escalation tool that always allows you and your employees to focus on the most urgent and important tasks and ensure that you are on the right track with your open tasks.
At the same time, the system has an integrated overview that allows the responsible manager to see all open tasks within his/ her area of responsibility with just one click.
Action categories are among others:
Supplier Non-Conformance Management and 8D Actions & Tasks
Customer Non-Conformance Management and 8D Actions & Tasks
Internal Non-Conformance Management and 8D Actions & Tasks
PPAP & FMEA Actions & Tasks
CIP & Optimization Action & Tasks
The enhanced QDA software can take this to the next level by integrating with our electronic checklists & shift book, eliminating the need of documents in production. Once installed in the cloud, employees can access it from anywhere with a smartphone or tablet.
These and many other advantages make QDA an obvious choice, and with its unique modular software tool, it allows any organization to choose a setup and product suite that suite that meets both requirements and budgets.
The easy implementation makes it possible to install, configure and implement them on site with little or no consulting required.
For detailed information about our software please contact us now.
QDA SOLUTIONS receives EcoVadis Silver Award for CSR Performance
Lübeck, April 2020
QDA SOLUTIONS was examined by EcoVadis for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and was awarded silver status.
QDA SOLUTIONS takes its social responsibility of sustainable business very seriously. Values such as honesty, fairness, reliability and integrity are essential for the company. In order to increase trust and credibility with its customers, it is very important for the company not only to communicate its commitment to CSR, but also to provide evidence that QDA SOLUTIONS is living up to its social responsibility. Based on this criteria, QDA SOLUTIONS was evaluated by EcoVadis and earned a silver EcoVadis medal. The result places QDA SOLUTIONS among the top 25 percent of the companies evaluated by EcoVadis. “This shows that we live up to our responsibility towards the environment, labor & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement,” says Thomas Helmers, authorized signatory of QDA SOLUTIONS GmbH. Among other things, QDA SOLUTIONS received positive mention in the report regarding the measures to reduce CO2 emissions from business travel, flexible work organization for employees, awareness training to prevent data protection violations and the integration of social or ecological clauses in supplier contracts.
EcoVadis provides companies with holistic corporate responsibility ratings using a global cloud-based SaaS platform and assesses each company on the issues relevant to its size, location and industry.
Many thanks to all QDA SOLUTIONS employees who have made this award possible through their commitment each day.
QDA SOLUTIONS opens new subsidiary in Denmark
Lübeck, April 2020
The software company QDA SOLUTIONS, headquartered in Lübeck, Germany, has established a new branch, QDA SOLUTIONS Nordics in Ringkøbing, Denmark. The branch is strategically located in order to more closely align product, service and support directly with its Scandinavian customers.
The software company QDA SOLUTIONS, headquartered in Lübeck, Germany, has established a new branch, QDA SOLUTIONS Nordics in Ringkøbing, Denmark. The branch is strategically located in order to more closely align product, service and support directly with its Scandinavian customers.
QDA SOLUTIONS has been active on the Scandinavian market since 2000 and currently has more than 6,000 active QDA users. With its own representative office in Denmark, QDA SOLUTIONS covers the Scandinavian market, as one of the premier solution providers for CAQ software. The aim of the team is to be able to cover the sales and support processes in the region and increase the quality of service.
The new Chief Sales Officer for the newly founded QDA SOLUTIONS Nordics is Paul Oxfeldt, who has been employed by QDA SOLUTIONS GmbH for many years. With his many years of experience and knowledge of the market, he is the first point of contact for customers and prospects. “Scandinavia is an important market for us and we are delighted to be able to continue to grow here with a local presence and to welcome our customers to the new office,” says Paul Oxfeldt, CSO of QDA SOLUTIONS Nordics. Together, the 5-member team reporting to Paul Oxfeldt, bring to the market a total 60 years of QDA experience.
QDA SOLUTIONS takes COVID-19 very seriously
Lübeck, March 2020
Due to the increased spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, QDA SOLUTIONS takes our responsibility for the health and safety of our colleagues and customers very seriously.
Due to the increased spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, QDA SOLUTIONS takes our responsibility for the health and safety of our colleagues and customers very seriously.
At this moment, there is no case of corona virus among our employees.
In order to prevent the infection and spread, there have been ongoing employee briefings that include basic rules of conduct to prevent the spread of viruses and also how employees should behave if there is a suspicion of illness. In addition, as a precautionary measure, all employees are working from their home office from March 16th – April 13th.
Furthermore, there is an official travel ban for business trips for our colleagues for the same time period.
We thank you for your understanding for this special situation.